

Newsletter July 2023

All 21 students who applied for their Highschool diploma passed. A fantastic result.
Congratulations all.

Passed for high school

Amrulla Khan

Anjali Barya

Diksha Deshmukh

Hemant Kale

Ishant Raut

Kamesh Gedam

Kevin Gora

Kushi Purkam

Niha Chaure

Poonam Galole

Priti Uikey

Priyanka Naidu

Sahil Shrirame

Sandesh Sarote

Shlok Rane

Shubham Shriva

Sidhant Kokode

Simran Kolhe

Smita Bhalavi

Sohel Ansari

Vishesh Bihade

Start of the new school year

By Aneeta Patel, President Nav Jeevan Sanstha Nagpur

The new school year starts in Nagpur in late June/early July. But normally the children come at the end of July, especially if they do not live in Nagpur. We have been working on new admissions for almost a month. It is heartbreaking when parents and other family members come forward with stories of how the child has been deprived of the basic needs of life due to extreme poverty, loss of the principal caregiver and many other sad situations. We listen carefully to each child and try to understand his or her basic situation and needs.

This year we have admitted 10 children under the age of 6 to the hostel. Caring for each child is assigned to one of the kitchen girls in the ratio of two per girl. These girls have been asked to play the role of "mini mother" for their wards, with each girl caring for a maximum of 2 children. By care we mean: washing, dressing, brushing and feeding the children and taking care of further personal hygiene.

As you can imagine, it takes a while for these young people to adjust to life in the hostel, for the first time without their parents. The parent – it must be heartbreaking for them too – is forced to entrust their child to us for a variety of reasons, usually financial. The first few days are chaotic with children crying for their parents. They should be gently distracted until they get used to life in the hostel. It is a difficult job and a challenge for all employees.

Our success rate last year was 100% again. A percentage that we have achieved every year since the opening of the school. And we are proud of that. We also hope to start Junior College for 11th and 12th classes from this year. This will significantly change the image as an educational institution. We will be able to care for our students from kindergarten through Junior College.

New young children in the hostel

Thias Schellekens, new board member, introduces himself

My name is Thias Schellekens and last year I came into contact with the project through a piece in the newspaper. I was already planning to go to India to travel and wanted to find out everything about the country. Through conversations with Annelies I was invited to visit Nagpur for a few weeks if I would be in India. When I stayed there I was spontaneously in love with the children and the friendly atmosphere that hangs there.
A few months later when I was back in the Netherlands I left by bike to southern Spain to raise money for the project and a few months later I became a board member. I wanted to do this because I found out that there are still large numbers of children who can be helped by our support from the Netherlands

We are pleased with the expansion of the board with Thias and wish him every success.

Financial position raised in 2023

We are in a better financial position at the moment than at the beginning of this year. This has to do with a number of subsidies for the meals and medical costs that we received from: Serra Foundation, Stichting Bear for Help, Terberg Foundation, Vincentius Vereniging, Stichting van Helden Tucker, Stichting Casterenshoeve, Stichting den Brinker, Stichting Huibert van Saane and Stichting Caritas Drachten. And there are still a number of subsidy applications pending. In addition, Calder Holding and RATM BV each pledged € 20,000 for the salaries and Stichting Imelda Nolet donated an amount for CCTV cameras. Furthermore, the Bear for Help Foundation and the Imelda Nolet Foundation donated an amount for the establishment of a physics, chemistry and biology classroom for the new Junior College and Capabel Onderwijs Groep has pledged an amount for the further education of the children.

A new challange for 2024

For 2024, we are facing a new challenge to win subsidies. We hope that next year we can count on your support as a donor. We, and especially the children of Nav-Jeevan, are very grateful for this. If you know new donors, know of an interesting fundraiser (for example at your child's school) or think that your employer would like to make a donation from a social point of view, we would of course like to hear this! We would like to get in touch and can of course provide leaflet material, nice collection boxes from Nav-Jeevan, etc

If you know a new donor, please email us his e-mail address, bank account number and the monthly amount. We then ensure that it is debited monthly. This can be stopped at any time. Of course, one-off donations are also very welcome. Write if it concerns an employee of one of the Calder companies; the amount is then doubled.

Kiran Wingelaar raised more than € 1,400 in America by holding a fundraiser for her birthday.

We thank you again for your donations.

On behalf of the board of the Nav-Jeevan Foundation
Annelies van de Ven
Derde Rompert 26
5233 AJ Den Bosch
phone 0031-653382577