

General Information

Nav-Jeevan Foundation (New Life)

Derde Rompert 26

5233 AJ Den Bosch

Telephone 0031 653382577

Bank account IBAN number: NL08INGB0009475224   Biccode: INGBNL2A

Chamber of Commerce Oost-Brabant 17150609

RSIN 816051823

e-mail or

Formation, Bylaws and Aim

The foundation was set up by Annelies van de Ven in December 2002. During her travels trough India she saw the poverty. She couldn't let go of the images and felt she had to do something. So the idea arose to start a project for the very poor in Nagpur.

The foundation makes it its object to realise projects for the very poor in Nagpur, a big city in the federal state of Maharashtra, with a view to structural improvement. The projects are small-scale and focused on concrete objectives. The foundation tries to reach its aim by:

  • fund raising
  • giving information and lectures
  • publications

Nav-Jeevan Foundation works with volunteers only. The organisation is well-ordered and manageable.

Board members Nav-Jeevan Foundation

Aura Laumen (chairman)
Annelies van de Ven (treasurer)
Tom Verhoeven (secretary)
Rita van de Ven (board member)
Anne van de Ven (board member)
Thias Schellekens (board member)

Nav-Jeevan Sanshta in Nagpur

In Nagpur local volunteers counsel the projects.

presidentMrs. Aneeta Patel
secretaryDr. Triloksingh Raju Vinay Wilkinson
treasurerMrs. Iris Singh Wilkinson
  • Dr. Anne Wilkinson
  • Mrs. Remani Thomas
  • Mrs. Manju Kamal Mehra
  • Mrs. Nazneen Abdullah Lalani
Iris Wilkinson and Aneeta Patel

Iris Wilkinson and Aneeta Patel

Financial Statement Nav-Jeevan 2023 (in euro)

Current account balance5.191,29
Calder Holding doubling 18.904,90
Calder Holding extra donation 10.000,00
Calder Christmas promotion 323,00
Employees Calder Holding 18.569,90
Private individuals Netherlands other 6.972,50
Private individuals België 1.320,00
Private individuals Germany 480,00
Private individuals USA 1.401,66
Beuys 20.000,00
Capabel Education Group 6.500,00
Julia Foundation 750,00
Bear for Help Foundation   4.796,00
Caritas Foundation   500,00
Casterenshoeve Foundation 3.000,00
Dirk Bos Fund 4.917,40
DJDGS Johanna Donk-Grote Foundation 3.200,00
Huibert van Saane Foundation2.500,00
Imelda Nolet Foundation  10.195,00
Mundo Crastino Meliori Foundation   2.000,00
Paulien Foundation 625,00
van Helden Tucker Foundation   3.000,00
Serra Foundation 9.000,00
Terberg Foundation 3.000,00
Unesco Foundation 2.000,00
Vincentius Association   750,00
WM De Hoop Foundation   4.120,00
Sponsorkliks 54,00
Total 139.132,99
Costs of ING366,58
Knowledge Centre for Philanthropy180,00
Nav Jeevan Sanstha India141.683,00
Savings account balance1.108,63
Current account balance 986,07
Total 2.094,70