


From inactive to active! Using this approach, Calder Holding delivers result oriented and measurable services, often geared towards vulnerable customer groups. Whether these sevices concern assessment, education, work, career development, debt counseling, guided living, mental healthcare or citizenship courses, in all these areas the companies of Calder Holding are able to deliver excellent & effective services.
Calder Holding doubles the amount that her staff and the staff of its 13 operating companies donate to the Nav Jeevan Foundation.

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Every child deserves a chance to shine!

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Third World Flea Market of the Mill Hill College

The connection with the third world stems from their history. It used to be Mill-Hill of the monastic order "The fathers of Mill Hill". These monks were trained to work in Third World countries. They still feel connected to people in the third world and want to actively propagate this.

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The AFAS Foundation inspires and does. It inspires you to do better when you see opportunities to do better than is happening now. Always with major consequences. Because it helps a lot of people. Or because it inspires many people to change,

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Book fair of the Vincentiusvereniging Den Bosch

The Vincentiusvereniging is an international organization of volunteers, committed to the well-being of people from the Christian view of life.

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Protestant Congregation Samen op weg Berlicum-Rosmalen

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De Kootje Foundations

Kootje helps because there is nothing without help.

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Paulien Foundation

The vulnerable as a source of Inspiration

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Advocacy for the (very) Young Child Foundation

Supports projects for very young children

Every human being is unique and because of his humanity equal to all other people. Every person is creative, has received talents for this to discover and develop, self-development, become who you are. These talents are not only there to use for yourself but are also focused on the other, on the common good of the society. Every person is part of that society, we learn from and with each other.

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Bear for Help Foundation

The Bear for Help Foundation supports projects aimed at young people in need, especially in developing countries.

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Imelda-Nolet Foundation

The Imelda-Nolet Foundation finances various types of projects, including those where infrastructure, materials, equipment and sanitation are made available to education and health care.

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Den Brinker Foundation

For research and support in the medical and social field.
The Den Brinker Foundation offers support to institutions and / or agencies with a humanitarian or charity purpose, to improve the fate of people in need or to promote it by virtue of their purpose -everything in the broadest sense of the word.

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Triodos Foundation

Gift money has the power to change. It can grow innovative ideas and contribute to social renewal and quality of life. With your financial support, Triodos Foundation stimulates valuable initiatives that work towards the development of a sustainable society. In this way we make the world a bit more beautiful together.

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Van Helden Tucker Foundation

The Van Helden Tucker Foundation is a small fund that supports initiatives in the social, cultural and educational area for people from underprivileged groups or people in less financially fortunate situations anywhere in the world with the exception of the Netherlands.

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Mundo Crastino Meliori

For a better world tomorrow

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Serra Foundation

The Serra Foundation helps people to get out of a dependency situation and to get a grip on their lives. With its knowledge, experience and network, the foundation supports projects through which people can get to work themselves and participate actively in society.

Reeders Stichting

The Reeders Stichting (Foundation) subsidizes Anbi institutions with medical, social or cultural objectives. It Fund gives preference to small-scale projects that also involve volunteers.

The Meros Foundation

The Meros Foundation. A sustainable living environment for people worldwide.

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The Johanna Donk-Grote Foundation

Since 1991, the Johanna Donk-Grote Foundation has earmarked the proceeds of its assets for suitable projects within its statutory objectives. In doing so, the board takes account of changing social conditions developments. Following the ideas of Mrs. Donk-Grote, the board is paying attention to projects in which children are central, who are extra vulnerable due to a disability or circumstances, anywhere in the world.

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Caritas Drachten Foundation

The Caritas Drachten Foundation provides direct and indirect financial support to persons in need of support and social charitable, religious and social institutions. The support is given in the broadest sense of the word.

UNESCO Centrum Nederland Foundation

UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO's mission is to promote peace and security between and within countries through international cooperation in its fields of activity, education, science, culture, communication and information.
Since 1948, the UNESCO Center of the Netherlands Foundation (UCN) has been providing financial support to small-scale development projects in developing countries, especially in the poorest countries, since 1948.

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Capabel Onderwijs

Capabel Onderwijs (Capabel Education) is the specialist in short courses. Our students simply want to obtain a diploma or certificate as quickly as possible. That is why we create the best opportunities in a short time. With accredited courses that are as short as possible. And powerful! Compact, that's how we keep the pressure on. This is how our students stay motivated. Short & sweet, that's what we're going for.

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Casterenshoeve Foundation

Casterenshoeve offers financial support to projects aimed at vulnerable groups in society. Healthcare, education and society are our focus areas. Within these areas we also support development projects that have been set up by passionate Dutch people together with the local population.

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Huibert van Saane Foundation

Supports small-scale initiatives in the field of education, care, culture and nature at home and abroad

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Terberg Foundation

Working together for a better life

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Julia Foundation

For orphans and street children all over the world.

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Nav Jeevan Sanstha School Volunteer Blog

Blog of foreign volunteers who worked at Nav Jeevan with fun stories and many beautiful pictures.

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